Friday, July 31, 2009

31st July notices.

Once again we are having a Sunday off so there are no services in St Cuthberts on the 2nd August.
But there will be a Transcendence on the 9th August, with Canon Glyn Webster celebrating. Do invite your friends and any tourists you see who may be interested!

Also Multi-Sensory Worship, the new book by Sue Wallace of prayer ideas in services is coming out soon. Amazon reckon it will be out on the 7th August, but it will definitely be launched at Greenbelt. There will also be a booklaunch in York, probably in October as September is rather busy!

Also, if you want to get cheap tickets for Greenbelt I believe the deadline is today. However you can also "work" the festival. Richard Horton is in need of help with venue managing in the contemplative venue.

There will be a Greenbelt planning meeting for the services we are doing at the festival on the 12th August, so pencil the date in your diary.

That's all I can think of for the mo, but please add any extra notices that I may have forgotten!



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