Sunday, February 21, 2010

Notices 21st February 2010

Today's service will be at 8pm in St Cuthberts church, and will have a Lenten ashy sort of theme.

There will be a small group meeting with food and lectio divina at 8pm on Wednesday in Waz's house.All welcome (even if you've never been before). Mail us to find out the address.
(visions at

On Thursday at 9pm each Thursday in Lent there will be a 20 minute service of compline with lots of plainchant sung by the Ebor singers in the minster by night with the lighting at candlelit level. If you like Transcendence you'll love it! (but enter via the "back door", otherwise known as the north door, through the minster car park near the Treasurers house). Also if you'd like a Lenten meditation beforehand this will start at 8.30 (again enter via the back door).

The service on the 28th February will be family friendly, but still have all our multimedia elements. It will start at 4pm and there will be cake afterwards!

There is a Fresh Expressions day in Lincoln on the 5th March with Archbishop Rowan Williams on sustaining a Fresh Expression. More details from the Fresh Expressions site (cost is 25 pounds but that is the cost price of venue hire).

If you are interested in learning about Christianity we are starting an Emmaus course just after Easter. It will begin on the 18th April and we will meet every other Sunday night at 7pm in St Cuthberts for 3 months or so. There will be lots of discussion and some *short* talks.


Monday, February 01, 2010

Notices 31st January 2010

Next Saturday 6th February we are taking Transcendence to Doncaster Minster. The service will be at 6pm and the theme will be Candelmass. Come and join us there!

Small group on Wednesday will be a taster session for the Emmaus course we want to run after Easter. We will begin at 7.30pm. For details of the venue ring Sue.

See Simon's post for details of the next YKSoul event.

During Lent we are doing two things.

One is our "Say Hello" project - we'd like to invite you, during Lent to simply smile and say hello to those you meet in the street. Lets make York a friendlier place!

Also we have decided to have a special time of focusing on the direction we are taking Visions in. During Lent these are our prayer themes..... If you would like to be texted further details get in touch via e-mail or ring us.

Mon - Asking God to inspire us on where we take Visions 4pm services
Tue - Asking God to inpire us on where we take Transcendence
Wed - Praying for each Visions member
Thu - Asking God to inspire us on where we take the 8pm services.
Fri - Staffing. Where do we take this in the future?
Sat -What is God's desire for us regarding growth?
Sun- Publicity/ outreach/Emmaus.

On Easter Sunday our service will be as follows....
4.30pm in St cuthbert's - Easter Egg hunt
5pm in St Cuthberts - Easter Communion Feast
7.30pm in St Cuthbert's - Easter beer and hymns.

After Easter we plan, for a season to do the Emmaus course instead of the 8pm services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays.
"A new time for a new thing"
If you know of anyone who would like to be involved let us know.
The course starts on Sunday 17th April at 7pm.